Bob's Roofing & Remodeling, Inc., Roofing Contractors, Caddo Mills, TX

Heat Barrier Systems, Inc. is fast becoming the cornerstone with new technology in the Roofing and Siding underlayment market with our product called Polaralum. It has a proven record of over 31 years and is available for nationwide distribution by Heat Barrier Systems, Inc.

Please visit our website to learn more about Polaralum and see pictures of actual application. Thank you for visiting our website.


Prospective Purchasers of Polaralum!!

Why Polaralum?

Why Polaralum?

Why Polaralum?

Polaralum saves energy now – starting on Day 1 – so that you immediately start earning back what you spent on it!

The distributors of Polaralum have tried to get an Energy Star rating for Polaralum, but the EPA does not have an Energy Star qualification program for products like Polaralum. But that doesn’t mean that Polaralum doesn’t save homeowners energy and money!

It takes years to recover your investment with products like refrigerators, washers, dryers and new windows – even those with Energy Star ratings – and by the time you come close, they need to be replaced.

Compare those Energy Star-rated products with Polaralum, which starts saving you energy and money on Day 1! And, Polaralum is impact-resistant to hail and does not need to be removed if a storm destroys your new roof. Your investment can be covered with 15# or 30# traditional felt and you lose nothing. Polaralum will last a life time.

To date the distributors of Polaralum have sold over 1.5 billion sq ft. Many happy homeowners use Polaralum. Why wouldn’t you join them and save? Keep money in your pockets!

Bob Lloyd,